Monday, January 7, 2013

Hear Our Prayers This Day

Gracious God,
Hear our prayers this day. 
Be they prayers of thankfulness and gratitude,
prayers of sadness and loss,
prayers of anger and simmering resentment,

hear our prayers today.
Be they prayers of love and kindness,
prayers for healing and wholeness,
prayers for strength and courage,
hear our prayers this day.

Lord, we lift them all up to you. 
Our hopes, our fears, our insecurities, our disappointment,
our deepest longings, our heartfelt wonderings, our anxious worries,
Lord, all these things we place in your hands.

Hold our prayers this day, this new day, this Monday.
This day ready for the living.
Inspire us, renew us, fill us with your love,
Hear our prayers this day.



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